V22la and Frankie and I, have had a very long relationship with S.O.A. It started when I was on the first 2 seasons as a “Croweater” and I also played a Porn Star and a Prostitute as well as a few other recurring non-speaking roles. Once V22LA began to take off, I could no longer work on SOA as we were just too busy for me to spend long days on set. However our days with SOA were far from over, they were actually just beginning, as we were approached by the wardrobe department who wanted to procure key wardrobe and jewelry pieces for the characters which we supplied for the next 5 seasons until the show ended. This was not our only dealing with the show, we also donated the V22LA DESIGN HOUSE and collaborated with The Boots Campaign Feat Sons Of Anarchy in order to raise money for veterans, the saga continues, as we then were contacted during the 7th season and were asked by the producers to actually film an episode at our location, which was filmed in and around our studio for a week, as usual being with the cast and crew was incredible and a great time. If you want to see it in its entirety you will have to watch the episode, I can offer a few photos as seen below.